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EYFS Reception

Whether your child is a familiar face from Buttercup Nursery or new to our school, we extend a very warm welcome to you and hope that your journey with us in Reception will be truly a memorable one.

We want you and your child to feel happy and relaxed about starting in Reception and we understand that you may feel worried. We will work together towards making the transition as smooth and as enjoyable as possible. You will get to know our Early Years Reception team and we will be available to help and support you in any way that we can.


  • every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured
  • children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
  • children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time.


Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful play, and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities. Practitioners respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interaction.


At the end of the EYFS, staff complete the EYFS profile for each child. Pupils are assessed against the 17 early learning goals, indicating whether they are:

  • Meeting expected levels of development
  • Not yet reaching expected levels of development

The profile reflects ongoing observations and discussions with parents and/or carers. The results of the profile are then shared with parents and/or carers.

The Early Years Reception Team

Reception Planning

About Us

At Meadowside Primary School we believe that teaching children is a partnership between family and school. Parents/carers are a vital part of our Meadowside community. There are many opportunities for you to be involved and we look forward to sharing these times with you.

Contact Details

Meadowside Primary School

Park Road Burton
NN15 5QY

Telephone: 01536 723985
Fax: 01536 725927