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At Meadowside Primary School we believe that teaching children is a partnership between family and school. Parents/carers are a vital part of our Meadowside community. There are many opportunities for you to be involved and we look forward to sharing these times with you.

Please click on a question.

How do I know my child is progressing?

We offer formal contact with your child’s class teacher each term. This usually takes the form of a parent consultation evening to discuss your child’s progress. The first consultation usually takes place in October or early November, a few weeks after your child has entered a new class. The second evening is generally in February or March; this is followed by a written report in July.
We have an ‘Open Door Policy’ and teachers are pleased to talk to parents/carers at any time when they are not teaching, this is usually informally at the end of the school day. If more time is needed, it is helpful to make an appointment.

Are there opportunities to visit the school?

There are many special occasions when parents/carers are invited to share the things we are doing in school. From Reception through to Year 6 children take part in class assemblies which parents/carers and friends are welcome to attend.  Examples of children’s work are displayed throughout the school for all to enjoy. During the year you will be invited to join us in a variety of performances, concerts, seasonal celebrations and open days.

How will I know what is happening at school?

Curriculum newsletters go home at the beginning of each term from each class teacher. These will tell you what the children will be learning that term.

Newsletters called ‘Meadowside Matters’ keep parents/carers up to date on all the events and activities taking place.

A school diary is published and updated regularly on Meadowside Matters.

How can I support my child at home?

Parents/carers play a very important role in supporting their child and building on their learning each day.  We ask all parents to support their child by hearing them read every day and encouraging and supporting them to complete any tasks or homework that their teachers ask them to do at home.

Curriculum / information events are held during the year, we expect parents/carers to make every effort to attend these in order to support their child’s learning.

What other information can I ask to see?

Parents/carers may request information about any of our school policies. Please ask at the main school office.

The Local Authority policy is for individual schools to keep Pupil Profiles and Records. These begin when children are admitted to school, and are added to, and reviewed annually. Each child is issued with a UPN (Unique Pupil Number), if your child has attended nursery school the UPN will be issued then, in all other cases these will be issued when each child starts school and this number will stay with them throughout their education. There is an open access policy, and you may ask to see your child’s records if you wish. Please make an appointment with the heahead teacheracher if you wish to do so. Records are confidential and only available to those who have right of access to them.

How can I get involved in school activities?

We really do appreciate your help in the classrooms and on trips and visits. Our parents/carers assist our class teachers with a wide range of activities, both in and out of the classroom. Help from other family members, grandparents/carers for example is most welcome. Please volunteer by letting the class teacher know and we can arrange for you to join us.

The school ensures that all classroom helpers/school volunteers are checked through DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) in line with current legislation. We also require our volunteers to read and sign our Volunteers in School Policy.

Our active Parent and Friends Association support and strengthen our links with home and the community. They organise many events at the school throughout the year and new volunteers and help are always welcome.

Each year, we ask for your thoughts and comments about our school through a parent questionnaire.  The responses to these are extremely helpful to us as we seek to work with parents/carers to make our school even better.

We have a parent forum, with parent representatives from each class, who meet with the Head and deputy head teacher regularly. They work together to seek the views of other parents on new developments and share ideas.

How can I complain if I am unhappy about something?

We are very interested in feedback from all parents/carers; naturally, we hope that this will be positive. However, if you have a concern or problem relating to any aspect of the school, we hope that an informal discussion, initially with a teacher, and then, if necessary, the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher will enable us to work with you to resolve any outstanding issues. We are always keen to explain and to improve. If the outcome is still not satisfactory after this, there is a formal procedure you can follow. A Guide for Parents/Carers gives details of how to do this, and this is available from the main school office.

How we care for your child

At Meadowside Primary School we work hard to ensure that every child is happy and secure. If you have any concerns about your child, we hope you will come and share your concerns with us, so we can discuss ways in which we can solve the problem together.

Should you experience a period of family difficulty, such as bereavement, illness or conflict which you feel may affect your child we would ask that you share that information with us, in confidence, so that we can give your child the extra support, consideration and understanding to deal with their problems or difficulties.

What if my child feels unwell at school?

If your child has an accident or feels unwell at school, we have a number of staff who will administer first aid and if necessary contact you and ask that you collect your child. We have trained first aiders on site at all times. In the rare event that a child should need urgent attention, in accordance with our duty of care, we will take such steps as are necessary to ensure the safety and well being of the child.

What if my child needs medicine or has a medical condition?

If your child suffers from a long term medical condition, please let us know, so that we can discuss the best way of ensuring your child's well being and safety.

There may be occasions where children are well enough to be at school, but still need to take some short-term prescribed medication. If this is the case we ask parents to seek advice from the school office, any requests for administration of short term prescribed medicines will be considered in line with our school protocol.

We do not allow any over the counter medications into school.

The school nurse visits the schools regularly and she will be pleased to consult with parents/carers if you have any concerns. The date and time of her next visit may be obtained from the school offices.

About Us

At Meadowside Primary School we believe that teaching children is a partnership between family and school. Parents/carers are a vital part of our Meadowside community. There are many opportunities for you to be involved and we look forward to sharing these times with you.

Contact Details

Meadowside Primary School

Park Road Burton
NN15 5QY

Telephone: 01536 723985
Fax: 01536 725927