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What clothes should my child wear for school?

All children are expected  to wear correct school uniform and school PE kit, as we feel that this promotes good standards and a sense of belonging.

School Uniform is available from Cool Cats website Click here!

All pupils wear PE kit on their PE days.

 Buttercup  FS, KS1 & Years 3 & 4 Years 5 & 6
 Sensible flat shoes  Sensible flat school shoes   Sensible flat school shoes

Dark green polo top

Light green sweatshirt


White polo shirt

Dark green sweatshirt

Black/Grey trousers, pinafore, skirt or skort

Green summer dress

White polo shirt

Dark green sweatshirt

Black/Grey trousers, pinafore, skirt or skort

Green summer dress

(Expected uniform for Y5&6 September 2023)

White shirt

House tie

V-Neck sweatshirt

Black/Grey trousers, pinafore, skirt or skort

Green summer dress

N/A PE day as stated

White T-shirt

Black shorts or joggers

Black sweatshirt or hoodie

Black trainers

PE day as stated

White T-shirt

Black shorts or joggers

Black sweatshirt or hoodie

Black trainers

School ties are now able to be purchased for Year 5 & 6 children ready for January 2023.
Meadowside Ties - Cool Cats

It is essential that all clothing is clearly marked with your child's name.

Can my child wear jewellery for school?

No jewellery should be worn in school, however, although we prefer children not to wear pierced earrings we recognise that for religious or other reasons parents/carers may prefer otherwise. We understand that for religious reasons it may be a requirement for children to wear jewellery as part of their religion.

In these instances, an earring or earrings may be worn but these should be small studs, one per ear only. For safety reasons jewellery must not be worn for P.E. lessons. If your child is unable to put in or remove their earrings, then they should not be worn. We suggest that children do not wear earrings for school on P.E. days. No other earrings, studs, rings, bracelets or necklaces may be worn.

If your child is required to wear a medical alert necklace or bracelet please inform the school office.

Watches may be worn from Year 2 if your child is able to tell the time. These should be functional watches and not novelty or overly large watches as these can cause distractions to the child and other pupils during lesson times. We cannot accept any responsibility for the safe keeping of watches or ear studs removed for P.E.

Lost Property

Children are encouraged to take responsibility for the care of their own belongings. Inevitably there will be occasions when things get muddled or lost. There are lost property boxes which are available for both parents/carers and children to access. Parents/carers are expected to label all items of clothing including coats and P.E trainers/plimsolls.

Are there any things my child needs to bring to school?

Children should bring a named coat and a water bottle to school everyday. 

Book bags and reading books should also be brought to school everyday. 

About Us

At Meadowside Primary School we believe that teaching children is a partnership between family and school. Parents/carers are a vital part of our Meadowside community. There are many opportunities for you to be involved and we look forward to sharing these times with you.

Contact Details

Meadowside Primary School

Park Road Burton
NN15 5QY

Telephone: 01536 723985
Fax: 01536 725927