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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

The Year 4 classes are Heron and Osprey.

Our teaching team consists of Mrs Garratt and Mrs Letts in Heron and Mrs Astley in Osprey. In addition, Mrs Andrews and Mrs Fuoco will be working alongside both classes providing invaluable support and teaching.

The first part of our learning journey this year will take us through an exploration of Ancient Egypt whilst also learning about the geography of modern day Egypt and other areas. We will then learn about our Earth and its extreme weather and fascinating geographical features. We will also learn about the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons and the ways in which they have influenced the country and world we live in today.

Another focus this year will include fostering a love of reading – reading, listening to, sharing and discussing books. Also, towards the end of the year, all Year 4s across the country will participate in a times table screening. We will therefore have a strong focus on learning times tables – in terms of both understanding and rapid recall.

Throughout the year, as a team, we will be promoting the four Meadowside Values of Resilience, Responsibility, Reflection and Respect.

We strongly believe that children learn best in a calm, happy and safe environment where there is clear communication and support between home and school. We encourage all parents/carers to keep in contact with us through .

We are all looking forward to an exciting year of learning and seeing the children in Year 4 flourish.

Year 4 Staff

Year 4 Knowledge Organisers

Year 4 Planning

About Us

At Meadowside Primary School we believe that teaching children is a partnership between family and school. Parents/carers are a vital part of our Meadowside community. There are many opportunities for you to be involved and we look forward to sharing these times with you.

Contact Details

Meadowside Primary School

Park Road Burton
NN15 5QY

Telephone: 01536 723985
Fax: 01536 725927