Our School
(See below for downloads)
“The designated safeguarding leaders have ensured that all staff are vigilant in keeping pupils safe from harm. Staff follow up causes for concern in a timely manner. Where pupils have left the school, staff are fastidious in ensuring that pupils are safe and any concerns are forwarded to the relevant agencies.
The highly effective pastoral support manager has developed strong relationships with families. These relationships ensure that home–school links are strong enough to prevent incidents, or to act swiftly when concerns arise.” Ofsted June 2018
Designated Safeguarding Leaders
At Meadowside our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is:
- Miss Lewis (Head of School)
If you should have any concerns during school hours, please contact the school on (01536) 723985, outside of school hours please call (07719) 076172.
Other staff to approach if you have a query (all of whom have had DSL training & are deputy DSLs) are:
- Mrs J. Garnham (Executive Head Teacher)
- Mrs Astley (Assistant Head)
- Mrs Mills (Executive SENDCO)
- Mrs Jawo (Executive Business Manager)
- Miss Glide (Inclusion Assistant)
- Mr Kim Mount (Safeguarding Governor)
All staff at Meadowside receive regular safeguarding training to be able to support children and families well.
Meadowside Primary School fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support pupils in school. The pupils’ welfare and safety is of paramount importance. The aim of our work in school is to safeguard and promote our pupils’ welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate.
There are four main elements to our Safeguarding:
- Prevention (e.g. positive, supportive school atmosphere, teaching and pastoral support to pupils, safer recruitment procedures);
- Protection (by following agreed procedures, ensuring all staff are trained and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to Child Protection concerns);
- Support (to pupils and school staff and to children who may have been abused);
- Working with parents (to ensure appropriate communications and actions are undertaken).
The school adapts an open and accepting attitude towards children as part of its responsibility for pastoral care. All staff encourage children and parents to feel free to talk about any concerns and to see school as a safe place when there are difficulties. Children’s fears and concerns will be taken seriously and children are encouraged to seek help from members of staff.
Year 3 Knowledge Organisers
Year 3 Planning
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pdf Need to Know Year 3 | Download Preview |
pdf Year 3 LTP 2024-2025 | Download Preview |