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Meadowside Primary strives to provide all of its pupils with the opportunity to grow into knowledgeable, robust and resilient learners. Our English curriculum is key to this overarching school aim. Reading and writing are essential key skills for our modern, challenging and technological world. As outlined in the National Curriculum, it is through reading in particular that pupils have the ‘chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually’, whilst also acquiring knowledge that continually builds upon what they already know. The acquisition of knowledge and understanding of the wider world, are at the heart of our English curriculum comprising of reading and writing lessons. We aim not only for our children to achieve their age-related expectations within taught skills but also to broaden their horizons in preparation for performing as well-rounded members of our community, locally and globally. 

preparation for performing

Reading is taught through the synthetic phonics programme Read Write Inc (RWI) from nursery to year 2.  When year 2 pupils are ready they move on to using Accelerated Reader (AR) which broadens their book choices allowing pupils to read a wide range of books at an appropriate level for their ability. This works alongside weekly Whole Class Reader (WCR) sessions in Key Stage 2.

early reading and phonics or reading

Please click on the Early Reading and Phonics or Reading buttons to find out more about reading at Meadowside.

Pupils from Early Years Reception and Year 1 are taught to spell during their daily phonic sessions. From Year 2 to 6 pupils follow the Read Write Inc (RWI) spelling programme to ensure continuity, full coverage and a consistent approach to how spelling is taught.

Writing is taught in Early Years Reception to Year 6 using our own version of talk for writing. Ensuring each year groups teaching sequence meets the National curriculum writing objectives.

Please click on the Writing button to find out more about writing and spelling at Meadowside.

English Curriculum

English Documents

About Us

At Meadowside Primary School we believe that teaching children is a partnership between family and school. Parents/carers are a vital part of our Meadowside community. There are many opportunities for you to be involved and we look forward to sharing these times with you.

Contact Details

Meadowside Primary School

Park Road Burton
NN15 5QY

Telephone: 01536 723985
Fax: 01536 725927